Terms & Conditions

The user, visitor and/or passenger agrees to the Terms and Conditions of www.eazyfares.com when s/he visits any page or whole website. The Terms and Conditions hold legal compliance and also apply to the adherence to travel arrangements made through www.eazyfares.com.

The website allows the user, visitor and/or passenger to make travel arrangements and book flights to and from the USA/Canada touching the Indian subcontinent and Nepal as well as connecting the continent of Europa. www.eazyfares.com and its interface is secured and offers secured reservations of international flight tickets. The website also provides relevant information to the end user, visitor and/or passenger by comparing travel tickets and their prices.

Please read the Terms and Conditions of www.eazyfares.com before acknowledging the travel services or undertake any arrangements. The Terms and Conditions should also be agreed by the end user, visitor and/or passenger and only then they can utilize the travel services offered on www.eazyfares.com.

I - Verification of the User, Visitor and/or Passenger

  1. The user, visitor and/or passenger who intends to book flight on eazyfares.com should have an age of minimum 18 years;
  2. The user, visitor and/or passenger who intends to book flight on eazyfares.com should provide correct, and the most updated personal information. If the information is falsified, it may lead to the cancelation of the flight ticket;
  3. The user, visitor and/or passenger who intends to book flight on eazyfares.com should look and compare the flight itineraries. Eazyfares.com will not be responsible for the airfares appearing in search results.

NB.: EazyFares.com holds the right to verify the personal information and reservation of flight ticket, which further needs the proof of respective cardholder. Should the documentation associated with personal information does not hold any relevancy, the ticket reservation shall be canceled.

Website and Its Use

www.eazyfares.com has an obligatory authority to either change, or edit the interface of the website without providing any explicit information whatsoever. The website and its management have no obligation if it is offline for a stipulated timeframe to user, visitor and/or passenger. Similarly, the user, visitor and/or passenger may not be able to view either all or specific sections of the website, although they may have formally registered on www.eazyfares.com.

The responsibility of using www.eazyfares.com and/or making the travel arrangements shall lie entirely on the user, visitor and/or passenger. It is also necessary that each of the user, visitor and/or passenger who makes the access to www.eazyfares.com using the same internet connection or IP address should formally adhere to Terms and Conditions.

The user, visitor and/or passenger also assent to Privacy Policy Terms to the information provided by them in complete entirety. Furthermore, the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as provided by the user, visitor and/or passenger shall be used by eazyfares.com in accordance to its Privacy Policy Terms. These terms are also applicable to the information provided by the user, visitor and/or passenger while making the login to booking the flight ticket. 

The user, visitor and/or passenger making the choice of USERNAME, PASSWORD OR OTHER PIECE OF INFORMATION, should also make sure that the information is confidential and not shared with 3rd Parties or anyone. The user, visitor and/or passenger should also ensure that the account remains entirely personal and is not accessed by anyone known to them.

www.eazyfares.com has obligatory right and final decision for disabling USERNAME, PASSWORD OR OTHER PIECE OF INFORMATION of the user, visitor and/or passenger if any violation is recorded in Terms and Conditions.

The user, visitor and/or passenger should bear in mind that no part of personal information is shared or passed to 3rd Party sources under any circumstance, whereby these resources gain access to the website using the personal credentials such as Username, Password etc.

The user, visitor and/or passenger holds the responsibility of clearly informing in writing or through other means to the management of EazyFares if the Username and/or Password is accessed by unscrupulous elements for immoral and wrongful activities deemed illegal in nature.

The user, visitor and/or passenger should also maintain extra vigilance while accessing the personal account from shared devices, including Laptops etc. in the manner where the unscrupulous resources either notice or record the Username and/or Password and other personal details. 

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

www.eazyfares.com and the contents appearing on the website, features and the functionality of the website etc. is managed by the company, its licensors, or third parties providing such information. The intellectual property rights are subject to US international trade secrets, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and the laws governing protection.

The website should be utilized for Personal and Non-commercial purposes only within the laid down Terms and Conditions. The User and Visitor should not manipulate, disseminate, divulge, translate, publish or republish, or transmit material from website. The information is stored in the Cookie files within the RAM and the User and Visitor have the right to:

  • Save the data cached by web browser for improving the display;
  • Take the copy of fine print of selective web pages and these should not be used for either personal and non-commercial purposes;
  • Download the content to respective devices if the User and Visitoradheres to the end-user application;
  • Utilize the Social Media content for non-commercial purposes not amounting to the promotion of any type.

Essential Caveats

  • The user, visitor and/or passenger should not make transmission of the materials from the website to any other resource(s);
  • The user, visitor and/or passenger should not use the graphics, or videos or the images or the text and share it with unscrupulous resources;
  • Manipulate the copyrights, or the trademark signs or any of the copyright notifications as they appear on the website. No information or imagery shall be used by the Visitor, User or the Passenger for commercial purposes.

Nota Bene

  1. Should the website user/visitor undertake the reproduction of the image or text content, or tries to modify it, or save the content after downloading it on the hard drive with the intention of using the content for commercial or promotional uses, then s/he become liable for legal action;
  2. If the content is downloaded accidently on the hard drive by the User or the Visitor by some odd incidence, then the User or the Visitor should obliterate or delete the incidences of the content. In such a case, the User or the Visitor should hold the regret on himself and herself;
  3. The User and/or Visitor to the website will not show any adherence to the RIGHTS, TITLES OR THE WEBSITE ITSELF;
  4. The Website and its USEABILITY should fall within the Terms and conditions and should the User and/or Visitor violate these Terms and Conditions, it should be considered as direct violation of the Copyright, Trademark and Implied Laws.

Trademark Authority and Ownership

By their very nature of existence, the Name of the Company, The Logo, and the Partner Brand Descripts and/or the Name/Logo of the Partners and Advertorials belong to respective companies, affiliates, licensors, and the 3rd Parties. No User/Website Visitor has the obligatory rights of to use the Logos, Product Names, Service Names, Designs and/or Trademarks without taking explicit permission from www.eazyfares.com or its respective partners.

Restricted Use of the Website and its Resources

www.eazyfares.com should not be used with the malicious intent, wherein, the user tries to harm its integrity by several means. In such conditions, the user and/or the website visitor should make sure:

  1. S/he makes no violation of the federal laws, state laws and the international laws;
  2. Swindle or obliterate or affect the children by means of introducing them to malicious content, or media, or influencing them to gain personalized information etc.;
  3. S/he should not publish, or save the downloadable copies, or likewise send the material that do not fall within the lines of Terms and Conditions;
  4. S/he should not transfer or send advertorial content, and this also includes the Junk Emails, Chain Letters and interalia;
  5. S/he should not indulge in the activities that aims at impersonating the company, employees or utilize the services from unscrupulous resources;
  6. S/he should not use the website that otherwise harms its authority, or causes the damage or most likely affect the normal performance of the website and its use in online events and/or community development;
  7. S/he should not use integrate any of the tools that may otherwise cause malfunctions or gremlins of grave nature;
  8. S/he should not refer the website or link it to the spammy websites, which may other wise harm its overall identity;
  9. S/he should not link to the website that will straightaway lead to the service denial and prevent smooth functioning.

Communication/Chat and Interactive Development

The User and/or Website Visitor should comply to Terms and Conditions while s/he utilizes the Message Boarding, or Login to the Chat Rooms, or Interactive Forms for the purpose of advertising, or most likely engage in the publishing and contribution or display of the content. It is also worth noting here that any contribution made thereof to the website shall be entirely public and has the non-proprietary nature by itself. 

The User and/or Website Visitor will owe the sole responsibility for any inclusions like booking the flights, or undertaking the necessary procedures for the flight cancelations. Likewise, the User and/or Website Visitor also has the responsibility for the accurateness, legality and the reliability behind carrying out the procedures while on the Eazyfares.com.

By no means or intents, the management of eazyfares.com will be responsible or liable for the content and its originality as well as accuracy. We also do not have the responsibility or become liable for any association with third party.

The services offered by us are also based on the service providers, our affiliates and the partners and the suppliers. In this case, the User and/or Website Visitor can avail the Customer Services with regards to booking, baggage fee, and specialized booking.

Maintenance and Operations: Denial and/or End of Customer Service

  1. eazyfares.com and its management will enforce any action where the User and/or Website Visitor and/or the Passenger undertakes misappropriate or inappropriate action that may lead to violation of the laws applicable or disrespects the Code of Conduct, or even breakaway the Intellectual Property Rights despite having the cognizance;
  2. eazyfares.com may also substantiate the action when it comes to the knowledge that there is potential threat to the personal security and the right of individual who is otherwise visiting the website.
  3. Action can also come into effect when the Intellectual Property Rights and the Rights to Privacy of 3rd Party are severely jeopardized.
  4. Termination of customer service is also into effect when the User and/or Website Visitor and/or the Passenger indulges in any kind of illegal or unauthorized website usage.
  5. Violation of the Terms and Conditions may likewise lead to the termination or suspension of the travel services and arrangements without disclosing any reasons.
  6. eazyfares.com and its management is obliged to support any legal or paralegal action and also get into the enforcement or follow the legal judgment forwarded through the order of the court, whereby it becomes necessary to divulge the personal and other critical information of the User and/or Website Visitor and/or the Passenger.
  7. eazyfares.com does not take any responsibility of the content and its correctness and/ore review its authenticity or whether the content contains the objectionable material thereof. The management at www.eazyfares.com is also not accountable for any kind of miscommunication, or misleading content. The decision to purchase of the flight ticket or engender any cancelations or alterations will lie entirely with User and/or Website Visitor and/or the Passenger thereof.

Content Standards and its Management

The services offered at www.eazyfares.com agree to the federal protocols as well as the existing international laws and guidelines thereof. In accordance to these laws, any User and/or Website Visitor and/or the Passenger is debarred and restricted from:

  1. Posting any kind of profane, or offensive, or abusive, or obscene or irrelevant content whatsoever;
  2. Miscommunicating the message and manipulating the content for phishing and vishing;
  3. Break the regulations of protocols, or trade secrets, or copyrights or play with the proprietary measures;
  4. Discriminating on the gender, disability, or age or orientation;
  5. The use of content that may otherwise become a liability, or add the Law of Torts, or does not fulfill Terms and Conditions besides the Privacy Policy;
  6. Wrongful or misleading advertising campaigns, sweepstakes, or contests and misleading promotions and marketing;
  7. Malpractices that may cause inconvenience and embarrassment of any kind to those who visit the website for utilizing the travel arrangement services as offered by EazyFares;
  8. Causing annoyance, delusion and perplexion by the very action leading to mistreatment or dangerously affect the services
  9. Endorsement of our business in his/her personal interest that is very likely to cause derangement and miscommunication among the customers in the long run.

Infringement of the Copyright

There is a likelihood that the copyright is infringed and should this happen, please read the policy terms as provided on: https://www.privacypolicyonline.com/dmca/. www.eazyfares.com has obligatory rights to seize the funds from the unscrupulous elements, in the event of the Infringement of the Copyright. 

Reliability and Authenticity of the Information on www.eazyfares.com

www.eazyfares.com suggests that any User and/or Website Visitor and/or the Passenger should not rely on the information available on the website, as it may not be updated, or bound to change in a short span of time. Furthermore, the information does not guarantee any accurateness, and may not become useful. Therefore, any User and/or Website Visitor and/or the Passenger who visits www.eazyfares.com for information regarding the destinations or making travel arrangements shall be accountable by himself or herself.

Eazyfares.com and the partner websites disclaim the responsibility and also the accountability with respect to the claims made thereof. Although the contents are regularly updated, but there may be instances when the information as appearing on specific pages have not gone any recent updations whatsoever. Any User and/or Website Visitor and/or the Passenger who makes the decision based on the information flowing on website, shall owe the responsibility on himself or herself. 

Eazyfares.com may also have 3rdParty content that contains information from 3rd Party users, bloggers, apart from 3rd Party licensors, aggregators, including the services offered by online and offline advertising companies. In addition, there may be documents in the form of the articles and paralegal content where the intent of EazyFares is not clearly highlighted. Therefore, in such an event, we shall not have accountability for the accuracy of the content as provided on the website.


Social Media Linking and Forwarding Links

Businesses of any nature can establish the link on www.eazyfares.com, provided such businesses use fair and square processes and ensure all rightful means to prevent the damage. Any form of communication, whether direct or indirect, may not lead to the establishment of connection or a formal agreement. www.eazyfares.com provides access to several social media platforms offering any of these:

  1. Direct link from 3rd Party Websites, and/or your website to specific areas on the website;
  2. Occurrence of visibility of any part of the website directly on your website or the website run by 3rd Party;
  3. Promulgate emails, or promotional messages from eazyfares.com directed to other websites for Affiliate or other dedicated programs likewise.

Social Media channels managed and operated by Eazyfares.com used for the supply of the information or dispensation of the instructions and the conditions. We expect that:

  1. You shall not create any dodgy links from 3rd Party Websites that are directed towards eazyfares.com;
  2. You shall not use advanced linking technologies that likewise allow the deep links or inline links for displaying the pages of eazyfares.com on obnoxious websites;
  3. You can establish links to the Homepage and all other pages of the eazyfares.com
  4. You shall not make any misrepresentation of the content appearing on different pages of eazyfares.com in whatever way it is deemed.


  1. The management of com strictly holds that you (customers, visitors to the website and anyone interested in booking the flight ticket) shall maintain the legitimacy of information provided such that there is no infringement of copyright in any manner;
  2. com may undertake punitive measures as desired to restrict or stop chat services and connections directed to the website;
  3. The content and other pieces of information on com is updated on regular basis without any previous intimation.

Links to 3rd Party Websites

Eazyfares.com may likely contain links to the 3rd Party Websites or Promotional Banners or Sponsored Advertorials over which we do not hold any authority. We do not undertake any responsibility of the advertisements and the content used in them. Likewise, we shall not take any responsibility for the contents used in 3rd Party Websites.

Only you (customers, visitors to the website and anyone interested in booking the flight ticket) are responsible form the use of the website and/or making the decision from the use of the information. In such an event, you will be accountable for the risks and potential monetary loses whatsoever.

Demographical Expanse

www.eazyfares.com offers its services to the prospective travelers who are the citizens and/or residents of the USA and Canada and who generally intend to travel to Europe and Asia (India and Nepal). The value and scope of www.eazyfares.com is within the USA and Canada and few other nations, however, accessibility of the content outside the USA and Canada may not be regarded as appropriate. Therefore, should the customer or any website visitor browses any content and/or use its services outside the USA and Canada, then they could do it entirely on their own personal risk. Any User and/or Website Visitor and/or the Passenger residing in a nation that off the parameters or boundary limits of the United States or Canada, it may not be possible to carry out the business modalities by utilizing the interface of www.eazyfares.com.

Possibility of Occurrence of Errors and Inaccuracies

The prospective passenger is wholly and solely responsible for the occurrence of inaccuracies in the information as provided by him/her with respect to the credit card number, date of expiration of the passport, or address of the credit card holder as well as its telephone number. Should any individual plans of using any section of www.eazyfares.com on the behalf of the 3rd Party, s/he assures the passenger free from the liabilities, or damages caused thereof from the deliberate actions of 3rd Party. Likewise, the prospective passenger shall automatically become responsible when s/he makes the submission of the claims., which also includes the possibilities of the claims regarding the fees and the possibility of liabilities.

Assistance for Travel

Certain destinations have high risk factor in comparison of other destinations, and therefore, it is mandatory and reasonably essential that the traveler ensures that all prerequisites of immigration are met. The traveler should also ensure that s/he has in his/her possession the necessary documents that mandates easy traveling. 

www.eazyfares.com suggests that the travelers should adhere to the travel advisory, restrictions and general warnings as issued by the US government, before they set out for travel planning. Travelers are suggested that they should read the information available on:






There are also other information websites to look for validations and a few of these include:

  1. https://travel.state.gov/content/passsports/en/country.html(For International Locations);
  2. https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/alertswarnings.html(For Prompts and Alerts on Travel Department);
  3. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel(For Information on the Health Needs of Foreigners).

The control of pests and its infestation within the airplane falls within the protocols of the International Law, and this ensures the Protection of Public Health and maintain the environment. In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) besides InternationalCivil Aviation Organization have given the suggestion for two methods for disinfection in aircraft:

  • Shooting of Atomized Disinfectant in the Cabin Spaces while the Passengers are Seated
  • Treating the cabin areas and the airplane with aerosolized disinfectants when the airplane is empty

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a detailed official statement where it condones over the idea of not killing the drone (Insects) for the very reason that drones did not cause any potential hazard over the health of the human beings. 

Furthermore, the elected governments across the globe shall legitimatize the comprehensive Chicago Convention (https://www.epa.gov/mosquitocontrol/aircraft-disinsection ) that otherwise offers priority to the international aviation industry for EITHER USING OR NOT USING THE PESTICIDES AS THESE ARE CONSIDERED RISKY AND HAZARDOUS TO THE HEALTH, CROPS AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN GENERAL.

In this respect, the potential traveler should immediately consult his/her respective OTA or travel agency while booking any international flights to and from the USA/Canada. To gain the detailed insight into the Pest Control and the International Carriers that follow the Pest Control Protocols, visit: https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer

Note:www.eazyfares.com shall not guarantee that the passengers traveling to any international or domestic destination is free from substantial risks. Therefore, as international travel arrangement professionals we do not take any obligatory responsibility that may other wise cause any potential loss or damage and restrict the accessibility to such destinations.

Travel Agencies and Service Providers

The prospective Traveler and/or any passenger who books his/her flight ticket on www.eazyfares.com shall acknowledge the Terms and Conditions delineated herewith in the dossier. Similarly, the prospective Traveler and/or any passenger who makes any purchase or uses the interface of the website shall always adhere to the protocols of the website. 

The prospective Traveler and/or any passenger shall also adhere to the Rules and Regulations of the Aviation Rules and Policies of the Domestic/International Carriers with regard to Booking Fee, Surcharges, Airport Fee, as well as the products offered by them from time to time. The prospective Traveler and/or any passenger shall not violate or deviate from either the Policies Formulated by Travel Agent/Travel Agency, or Domestic/International Carriers.

Should any violation is brought into the notice of www.eazyfares.com at any point in time, it may ultimately lead to cancelation of the flight ticket, reservation, or may other wise lead to the cancelation of the entire flight itinerary without any further information whatsoever. 

The payments made by prospective Traveler and/or any passenger for utilization of services shall be immediately forfeited. Similarly, www.eazyfares.com shall have the obligatory rights to ensure deductions from the accounts of prospective Traveler and/or any passenger due to violations or non-adherence to the policies. The prospective Traveler and/or any passenger holds the responsibility and the accountability for all fees, charges, duties, taxes, and/or assessments relative to the use of this website. The prospective Traveler and/or any passenger holds liability that may occur from grave situations such as Bankruptcy/Insolvency or Restructuring/Re-Formulation and/or Termination of the Flight Services offered thereof.

The rights with regard to the reservations of differently abled or passengers with minor or major disabilities are righteously preserved with respective Domestic/International airlines. Therefore, it is important that the individual booking the flight on behalf of the traveler with disabilities should visit the official website of the air carrier and get the details on the flight reservations. It would help in prevention of the last-minute hassles thereof.

Selecting the Right Time of Flight and Appropriate Flight

The aviation industry is huge and overgrown, channelized by thousands of domestic and international carriers that work round the clock, transferring the passengers from one corner of the Earth to another. The state-of-the-art Flight Tracker aid the passengers with Stress-Free booking. The system is designed to not only track appropriate flight, but also provides the flight with regard to the potential Delays, Cancelations as well as Terminal/Boarding areas. The Flight Tracker will also store the passenger information, while also getting prompts in the form of Text Messages and E-mails. 

 In the situation when the flight is either delayed or gets canceled, we suggest that you establish the connection with our Toll-Free number, wherein you can talk with Customer Service Representative to discuss the flight options available. 

Advice and Suggestion – If the booking on specific domestic/international airline is established, the prospective traveler and/or passenger should cross verify with the designated airline for detailing on the departures and arrivals.

Charging of Fee, Surcharges and Funds

Flight tickets are purchased online through comprehensive booking systems and the prospective Traveler and/or any passenger is likely to be charged in the denomination as flashed at the time of checkout. The prospective Traveler and/or any passenger who books the flight by securing the payments through Credit/Debit card shall be charged in the denomination or the currency used in the 3rd Party systems.

The rate of exchange will become effective as calculated by 3rd Party Application and is validated only when any prospective traveler or passenger makes the appointment and purchases a travel itinerary according to his/her requirements. 

Should a Debit Card/Credit Card be used for itinerary booking or flight booking and there is perceptible change in Exchange Rates, the estimated amount shall then become chargeable on the Credit Card/Debit Card. Only the latest Exchange Rates will become in effect as prospective Traveler and/or any Passenger books the flight itineraries using the Credit Card or Debit Card.

Should a fund be remitted into the account of the prospective passenger or traveler, the remittance of funds shall be at the original exchange rate. EazyFares owes no responsibility on the changes in the Exchange Rates, which may otherwise reflect the inconsistencies on your debit or credit card.

There are credit card companies and financial institutions that may levy high transaction fee on the international transactions. In case the transaction fee is converted into local denomination, the bank of the prospective passenger or traveler’s will then charge a certain amount as Conversion Fee.

It tantamount that the money deducted from Credit Card/Debit Card is in the local currency, and varies largely on the amount reflecting on the billing page for the charges booked against the flight itineraries. Financial institutions such as the Banks and Credit Card/Debit Card Companies shall ensure international travel bookings on the basis of the transactions based on the purchase of international flights. 

Note: The bank of the prospective passenger or traveler booking the flights shall settle for the Exchange Rates and the Fee for the Foreign Exchange. There are a few flying routes on which the commercial airlines do not fly. EazyFares shall make the contract with partner airlines for transferring the traveler to designated destination. 

Definition of Dangerous Goods

In accordance with the norms of the Federal Laws, (https://www.faa.gov/hazmat/resources/regulations#:~:text=Hazardous%20Materials%20Regulations%20(%20HMR%20)&text=They%20describe%20how%20dangerous%20goods,(%20PHMSA%20)%20writes%20the%20HMR), passengers cannot carry the goods designated as Potentially Hazardous or Dangerous either in the cabin or cargo. On the basis of the occurrence of the circumstances and their availability, or deviation from the protocols of the Federal Laws, such a passenger shall be incarcerated for 10 Years with a fine equivalent of $250,000 or more (49 USC. 5124).

What are the Hazardous Materials

The term Hazardous Materials are - Corrosive substances, electrical materials, carbon monoxide, flammable liquids, wastes, oxidants, explosives, and poisons/contagions.

Limitations and Boundaries

The prospective passenger or traveler shall not book flight ticket for One Way to a specific destination unless otherwise restricted by the designated airlines. There are international carriers that will prohibit or restrict the conduct/ticket booking and Eazyfares.com shall not undertake any guarantee whether the airline shall guarantee the flight ticket by any means. 

The prospective passenger or traveler who book the flight ticket and is restricted by the airline out of his/her sheer conduct will not experience any changes in total pricing of actual flight route and the airfare of the ticket purchased.

Airlines and the Flight Segments

Flight coupons issued by the airlines are meant for use with the ticket order, only in the scenario where the prospective passenger or traveler shall not cancel either part or entire flight itinerary. If the prospective passenger or traveler in which case, s/he has to end up paying the entire airfare. All of it will depend on the Rules and Regulations of the respective airlines. 

Taxes on the Published Airfares

The term “Published Airfares” is understood in the context of Applied Supernumerary Taxes, Base Airfare and the Fee charged by respective airline. The “Published Airfares” may be highlighted on the accounts sheet on different places. Deductions made when you purchase the flight ticket will become applicable on pricing of the ticket. In many eases Tax Refunds are initiated by the supplier or the respective airline. There is also a likelihood whereby Departure Fee and Entrance Fee is charged separately and is not published on the accounts sheet. The published airfares that involve MULTIPLE CARRIERS would have a Non-Refundable Fee on each ticket. The International Flight Ticket is also subjected to Additional Fee, which is inclusive of Ticket Fee, Cancelation/Refund Fee, Baggage Fee, Alteration/Change Fee besides the Boarding or the Departure Fee. Under all such scenarios, www.eazyfares.com shall become accountable for payment of Surcharges/Additional Taxes/Supernumerary Charges on behalf of the passenger.

Seats, Meals, Frequent flyer Miles and other Special Requests

Prospective passengers or the travelers who initiate special requests for addition or changes in the Seat Arrangements, Meals or for that matter in the Frequent Flyer Miles, or any supernumerary changes shall be treated as requests only and all such requests will be handled by the customer care team of Eazyfares.com. Should a cancelation is processed, there will be a Service Fee, which will be over and above the Seat Fee.


  • We hold no authority whatsoever over allocation of the seat that you have chosen to go with;
  • We do not guarantee the airline shall accommodate the request for specific types of Meal, or Frequent Flyer and/or other Supernumerary Requests. Therefore, the passenger should establish direct contact with the airline before the departure and get the request for confirmation.

Airlines Policy for Charging Fee

Different types of fee are charged by the airlines. There are certain airlines that may also charge the fee for even the First Checked Baggage as well. There is separate Airline Baggage Fee Policy defined by various domestic and international airlines, and therefore, as an argus-eyed passenger, you need to check with the airline. Passenger has to pay Extra Baggage Fee under the airlines baggage policy The Baggage Fees shall vary with the airlines and usually, it falls within the $15 to $200, or it can be even more based on the Size of the Bag, Weight of the Bag and the Amount of Luggage contained within. 

 There may be occurrence where Cancelations, Service and Baggage Fees may surge to $12 for some flights and such fee is usually non-refundable. Eazyfares.com makes every legit effort to provide latest information on Baggage Fee, though it is also important to contact the airline directly to get the updated Baggage Policy.

A few airlines shall also charge supernumerary service fee for using the airport services. There are also some airlines that will not provide free baggage allowance. Eazyfares.com suggests that the passenger should directly get in touch with the respective airlines for Baggage Allowance as well as Additional Fee, which is applicable thereof. 

What is Airport Entry and Exit Fee

A separate Entry and Exit Fee is charged by a few countries and the airports. The fee is over and above the Ticket Prices or Fee and also the Flight Taxes. The prospective passenger agrees that the charges are required to be paid by individual passenger. To know the details on the Airport Entry and Exit Fee, visit: www.travel.state.gov

Waiver and Severability

The Waiver and Severability is matter of concern of the Carrier, and therefore, www.eazyfares.com shall have no responsibility whatsoever with regard to such options. In addition, the waiver of Taxes and Service Fee will be a manipulative subject, which is subject to the changes and all such changes are based on decisions as earmarked by the domestic and/or international carrier. www.eazyfares.com shall have no direct or indirect control over these waivers and the severability. 

Use of Debit Cards and Credit Cards

With regard to the use of Debit/Credit Cards, www.eazyfares.com shall adhere to the following protocols:

  • com shall swipe the credit/debit cards issued in the United States, Canada, and many other countries. We would likewise accept the AE/AP payments;
  • com may swipe the credit/debit cards multiple times, however, the cumulative amount will include sum total of the charges;
  • Should the credit/debit card or other means of payment be not validated for one or more than one reasons, a notification is flashed within 24 hours. If you have used any other payment option, and the payment is not validated, it may take over 24 hours;
  • You may also receive the notification on the alterations of the flight prices or any other alterations prior to the completion of the process of the payments. It is significant to note here that you have the right of accepting or rejecting the alterations after a formal notification has been sent to you. If you have decided to ignore the financial transaction, credit/debit card shall not be charged;
  • com shall swipe the credit/debit cards if it deems that such swipe is safe and free of any potential financial risks. Furthermore, the payment processing will be carried forward only after the credit card verification team ensures that the payment is safe and secured. The payments and reconciliation department at Eazyfares.com shall contact the respective bank for determining the legitimacy of Debit/Credit card.

Display of Promotional Codes and Advertorials

International and domestic flights show the promotional codes, which must be entered by the prospective traveler at the time of making the purchase. The traveler could save up to $10 when s/he uses the promotional code according to the priority. The prospective passenger or traveler can only use the Promotional Code only once in the Air Journey. 

Please note that the promotional codes offered by EazyFares.com are valid for online travel. There are also a few promotions on the EazyFares.com, which could be used by contacting our Customer Service Center.


  • Prospective traveler can receive the COUPON CODE via Email after s/he signs up for the Newsletter;
  • The amount of DISCOUNT that any prospective traveler could avail using the PROMOTIONAL CODE is equitable to the Service Fee or the Convenient Fee;
  • The PROMOTIONAL CODES provided by com has Non-Transferable nature. The codes cannot be exchanged, or sold. These become Null and Void after use. 


  • Discounts earmarked via the use of PROMOTIONAL CODES can only become effective if these are entered in the appropriate field box given on the payments page;
  • If the promotional code is not correctly entered, the discount shall not be validated;
  • A fresh COUPON CODE shall not be issued after the prospective traveler has used it.

What is the Combo Airfare

The combo airfare is basically the part of travel package plan comprising two or more than one way flight tickets. Each flight ticket shall delineate separate details, depending on the type of carrier you choose. Alterations and/or cancelations of a single ticket shall not become valid for another ticket. All changes and/or alterations will become validated against a fee. All alterations and/or cancelations to flight itinerary shall be requested by the individual traveler or the passenger.

What are the Flight Ticket Upgrades

The upgrades on the flight tickets are the changes or the alterations done on seat selection, inner baggage and the general check-in. Ticket upgrades are made in the flight itineraries and comprise two or more than two flight tickets either for the One Way or the Round Trip. Change fee or the Convenient fee is also charged by Eazyfares.com.

Agreements to the Policies and Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and the DMCA Privacy Policy and Terms of Sale constitute a binding and binding agreement between the Traveler/Passenger and EazyFares.com with respect to this website and all prior and existing agreements WRITTEN AND ORAL with respect to this website. AGREEMENT, CONTRACT, and declarations are the body and responsibility of the site. The parties adhering to this Agreement and all documents directly or indirectly related to it will be written in English.

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